
Zye. Eighteen. Singapore. Find me in Hot 30.



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Pico Rica. Picoholic.
April 2011 May 2011


Too busy.
03 May 2011.

Hello. As you know, I'm always busy with stuffs in the real world. Such like school, going home late due to hanging out with friends. Oh yes, I have a life. So, I may need a volunteer who can really type and is a good writer. I need someone who can help me manage my blog for me when I'm not around. So apply here, or find me in Japanese Park 1. I'm always there. If I'm not, leave a message at my board in my room. Oh and I may or may not create a fan page FOR THIS BLOG. I'll have to see what I can do in the meantime. Until then, I'll get you guys updated. ♥